"great power comes with great responsibility"

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


What do you think? Friendster or MySpace? No! Facebook! They are evaluated at $10 billion which is more than Starbucks. Can you imagine that? You don't sell coffee to be evaluated that much. Just digital advertisement on the world wide web. And the best thing is the world wide web is not even physically available. How amazing that this social website which is created by Mark Zuckerberg (Harvard graduate programmer), can earn that much respect and investment from around the world. Mircrosoft had invested initially and now more and more investors are pouring in money (some would say in terms of preferred stocks). Most recently, it was a Russian company, Digital Sky Technologies.

Despite the economic slump, Facebook's revenue jumped impresively by 70% this year. By 2010, the company is planning on profits. No matter how the economic weather would be in the next few years, the amazing growth in terms of users in millions would provide a perfect profitable campaign for the start of new fiscal year.

Nonetheless, I am impressed of the power of the world wide web these days. You can't just ignore the presence in our own physical world. Physical billboards are out of date? No! They are still as effective but not in terms of cost. What are the cost of one advertisement on the web? I don't think you would want to know. Number of users are growing exponentially in the world wide web. And Why Would We Want To Ignore Them? Think about it!

Sources: Bloomberg.com and Facebook.com

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